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Changing signs in the Magic City

08.7.2007 by André Natta · No Comments

Stephens Billboard Down - Photo Courtesy Of Scenic Alabama

Lisa at Scenic Alabama posted recently about the pending change in view for morning commuters coming into Birmingham, Alabama on the Stephens Expressway (U.S. 280 & U.S. 31 as they enter downtown). The problem is not that it’s coming down, … Continue reading

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Elsewhere on Birmingham's hub
In other news

The Southern Heritage Festival… in September?

08.7.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

That’s right; this year’s festival would be held on September 1 & 2. There has been a lot of chatter wondering if the event would be held this year. A resolution approving a contract with the Birmingham African American Arts … Continue reading

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Take a Moment: Happy Hour for a Cause nominees

08.6.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

I’d like to take this opportunity to once again thank everyone that took the time to share their nominees for this poll question. We did whittle down the list as well as consider entries that were sent in via email … Continue reading

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From the Stationmaster: about this week’s poll question

08.6.2007 by André Natta · 2 Comments

Good morning everybody! I’m extremely grateful for the nominations that were submitted both through the comments function and via e-mail. As stated in the post that explained the reason we were taking those comments, the deadline for suggestions was 11:59 … Continue reading

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State Access to Justice Commission formed

08.6.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Alabama Chief Justice Sue Bell Cobb and the Alabama Law Foundation (ALF) announced the formal creation of the Access to Justice Commission back on July 19. The 19-member commission is comprised of citizens from varied backgrounds that share an interest … Continue reading

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The Radio Carousel: Dale Jackson lands in Huntsville

08.6.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Dale Jackson -

Dale Jackson used to be half of the morning show on 101.1FM’s The Source before that station’s format change in early July. He now has his own show called “The Attack Machine” in Huntsville. Brian over on Flashpoint has written … Continue reading

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Jim Skinner passes away

08.6.2007 by André Natta · 3 Comments

Saturday brought the sad news that James Skinner, Sr., owner of two auto dealerships including Jim Skinner Ford in Birmingham, passed away at the age of 87. Many will remember him from local commercials, others for his contributions to the … Continue reading

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