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The Velvet Teddy Bear signs on for entertainment district

08.15.2007 by André Natta · No Comments

Ruben Studdard - Bob Farley/f8photo

Just when people were beginning to wonder just how serious the development talk surrounding the new entertainment district adjacent to the BJCC currently was, The Birmingham News reports that Ruben Studdard has signed on to open a nightclub with Perfroma … Continue reading

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In other news

A restaurant on Morris Avenue? Yep

08.15.2007 by André Natta · 2 Comments

Fanaei In Matthew’s - Bob Farley/f8photo

Matthew’s Bar and Grill has opened at 2208 Morris Avenue. It now relieves The Peanut Depot of being the only place to grab a bite down near the railroad tracks, though stopping by to grab a snack for later after … Continue reading

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A look at the new bishop

08.15.2007 by André Natta · 2 Comments

Bishop Baker Portrait - Catholic Diocese Of Charleston

Considering that Birmingham’s (and the state of Alabama’s) been waiting for the appointment of a new bishop since 2005 to replace retiring Bishop David Foley (it was originally delayed due to the death of Pope John Paul II), we figured … Continue reading

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Travelogue: The Brew Lounge checks in with Dave’s Pub

08.15.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Maintained by two guys in Pennsylvania and focused on creating an open dialogue about beer, The Brew Lounge decided to take a look at Dave’s Pub here in Five Points South while shining a light on the Free The Hops … Continue reading

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“Get Downtown” event postponed

08.14.2007 by André Natta · 2 Comments

With temperatures predicted to reach above 100 for Thursday, extending the heat wave that The Magic City and the surrounding region is suffering from, ONB has chosen to postpone this Thursday’s installment of Get Downtown event. There has been no … Continue reading

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UAB IT internship program seeks applicants

08.14.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

UAB’s Information Technology Internship Program has let us know they have 13 positions available for the 2007-2008 academic year. Open to students enrolled at the school, interns in the program work 20 hours per week in a variety of positions … Continue reading

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Take a Moment: Brew a cup of coffee, support a local organization

08.13.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

We were out starting to place our bright orange fliers around town over the weekend when we stumbled across a yard sale at the Crestwood Coffee Company. The sale was to raise funds for Black Warrior Riverkeeper. It was also … Continue reading

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