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We’re still alive

08.29.2007 by André Natta · 4 Comments

Yes, we’ve been quiet today, but since we’re holding a party over at The Bottletree we figured you’d understand. We hope that you’ll be able to come on out tonight. But if you don’t, we’ll give you a taste of … Continue reading

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In other news

A look back: August 29

08.29.2007 by André Natta · 3 Comments

2003: The inaugural Writer’s Block graffiti exposition was held at Sloss Furnaces. Courtesy: 

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Out of the Darkness Community Walk, Heardmont Park

08.28.2007 by André Natta · 6 Comments

According of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) website, every 16 minutes someone dies by suicide. You can help the AFSP raise money for research and education programs to prevent suicide by participating in the local Out of the … Continue reading

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We Have Too Much Heart – now on YouTube

08.28.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Fresh off the MySpace bulletins… check out the Cave 9 documentary We Have Too Much Heart by Joey Brown. It’s uploaded on YouTube in two parts (about 6-8 minutes each) and gives great insight into what Cave9 is, who runs … Continue reading

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Election ’07: Smitherman’s got a MySpace profile too

08.28.2007 by André Natta · 15 Comments

Carole Smitherman’s Myspace Profile

We’ve been informed since our post earlier this morning about Councilor Bell’s MySpace profile that City Council president Carole Smitherman has also created a MySpace profile for her campaign. Here’s a link to it. These are some of the things … Continue reading

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A look back: August 28

08.28.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

August 28: 1902: Bessemer police officer John Flowers was shot and killed by by a boxcar hobo. Courtesy:

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Election ’07: Bell creates MySpace profile

08.28.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

William Bell Myspace Profile

One of the issues that has come up during this year’s mayoral campaign in Birmingham (at least among us out here on the web) is the candidates’ web presence. There are very few extensive websites, though one candidate has now … Continue reading

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