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A look back: October 1

10.1.2007 by André Natta · No Comments logo

1904: Laura E. Burton was granted a license to practice medicine in Alabama. Courtesy:

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Sidewalk ’07: Awards results on Timetable

09.30.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

RGS Trio at Sidewalk

Photo credit: André  Natta The RGS Trio entertains the crowd at WorkPlay Theatre in advance of the awards/closing ceremony for this year’s Sidewalk Moving Picture Festival. Head on over to Timetable to see who’s winning the awards.

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Election ’07: Final results are up

09.29.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

While we could just keep on mining these numbers for any little thing that they could tell us, we figured we’d stop while we’re ahead and just provide the basic facts from our mayoral poll. The submission page has been … Continue reading

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Taste of 4th Avenue Jazz Festival, 4th Avenue Historic District

09.29.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

During this weekend of festivals, head on over to the  4th Avenue Historic District for the Taste of 4th Avenue Jazz Festival. From our own Birmingham Heritage Jazz Band to the smooth sounds of Dee Lucas to the legendary Foxxy … Continue reading

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Sidewalk ’07: Opening Night

09.29.2007 by André Natta · 2 Comments

Sidewalk 2007 opening night

A view of what was reportedly the largest opening night crowd in the history of the Sidewalk Moving Picture Festival as they finishing settling in watch the film The Ten. Photo credit: Bob Farley/f8photo The 9th edition of the Sidewalk … Continue reading

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Vulcan AfterTunes, Vulcan Park

09.28.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

There’s lots to do this weekend around the Magic City. After all that running around, wouldn’t it be nice to just sit back and listen to some tunes? You can do just that at Vulcan Park Sunday afternoon. The first … Continue reading

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Election ’07: Preliminary results are tabulated

09.28.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

We got less than we thought we would to participate but am thankful for all that did take part in our Birmingham mayoral election poll. Fifty-two (52) votes were submitted; 4 of them were disqualified either for multiple IP address … Continue reading

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