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Random shots: It’s almost gone

10.23.2007 by André Natta · 4 Comments

Birmingham News demolition continues

Holes have been punched high on the eastern wall of the Birmingham News’ original 1917 structure as its demolition continutes. Photo credit: André Natta The long goodbye to The Birmingham News’ former home continues. This is an image taken earlier … Continue reading

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In other news

Travelogue: The other Patrick Cooper

10.23.2007 by André Natta · 2 Comments

Patrick Cooper VA screenshot

Screenshot of Evanston, Illinois’ Patrick Cooper’s website. Well, he’s finding the whole situation quite interesting. The Patrick Cooper in Virginia that is. He was the one that came up first when you would look up the name of the former … Continue reading

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A look back: October 23

10.23.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments logo

October 23: On this date in 1920, an International Balloon Race was launched from Birmingham. Courtesy:

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Birmingham Noir, downtown

10.22.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

I just found this great site, the BLP blog. And that’s how this came to my attention. Jim Baggett, Birmingham Public Library archivist, is leading nighttime walking tours of notorious downtown historic sites just in time for Halloween. Admission is … Continue reading

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So what’s this new section?

10.22.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Welcome to The Rumble

Screenshot of The Rumble. I was actually surprised when I was stopped several times over the weekend and asked just what this new section I hinted at was going to be. Well, it’s live as of right now and it’s … Continue reading

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It’s Storytime at UAB

10.22.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

UAB Stories screenshot

Screenshot of UAB Stories blog. Get a look (or a listen) behind the scenes at UAB with the new podcast series UAB Stories. It’s updated each week with a new interview featuring a renowned researcher, physician, professor or basketball coach … Continue reading

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A look back: October 20 – 22

10.22.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments logo

October 20: On this date in 1951, the Alabama Crimson Tide played their first televised game. They lost 27-13 to Tennessee at Legion Field. October 21: Three years ago, a tractor trailer wreck at Malfunction Junction set 9,000 gallons of … Continue reading

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