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Random Shots: What are you thankful for?

11.18.2007 by André Natta · 3 Comments

Sixteenth Street/ First Church joint dinner

Photo credit: André  Natta That was the question being asked by congregates of Sixteenth Street Baptist Church and First United Methodist Church earlier this evening. The two church families gathered at Sixteenth Street for a joint Thanksgiving service. This was … Continue reading

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A look back: November 18

11.18.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments logo

1900: Cooper Green was born in Birmingham. Courtesy:

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’63 Sixteenth Street Pastor passes away

11.17.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

On a day that seems to be forever connected intrinsically with the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church bombing of 1963, yet another link has formed, albeit a sad one. The Birmingham News breaking news blog and various other news outlets (including … Continue reading

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Random Shots: Fall colors at the Gardens

11.17.2007 by André Natta · 2 Comments

Japanese Gardens at BBG

Photo credit: André Natta Just a quick shot of a fall day earlier this month at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens‘ Japanese Garden. We’d still rather have some rain though.

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A look back: November 17

11.17.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments logo

1951: Denise McNair was born. 1977: Conviction of 1963 church bombing suspect Robert Chambliss. Courtesy:

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This laptop’s generating a lot of talk

11.16.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

XO laptop image

An image of the XO Laptop. The XO laptop is serving as a focal point of what is a larger issue for our local educational system. While not necessarily offering answers, I felt like wondering aloud over on my Birmingham, … Continue reading

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Take a moment: Can-a-thon today!

11.16.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Can-a-thon image

If you do have a moment, and a couple of cans of non-perishable food, you might want to drive on over to Brookwood Mall, pull up next to the Applebee’s, and drop them off. You’ve got until 7 p.m. this … Continue reading

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