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UPDATED: The First 100: Notes from today’s mayor’s report

11.27.2007 by André Natta · 4 Comments

I was so excited about the WiFi access this morning that I did not fill folks in on some of the other important points from this morning’s meeting: The Screening Room’s business license was revoked during the meeting with a … Continue reading

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In other news

From the Stationmaster: Do you Twitter?

11.27.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

We’ve already been a-Twitter for a little over a month now using the popular microblogging service to help us get the word out. Now we figured we’d take a page out of The New York Times’ playbook and provide some … Continue reading

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my Birmingham: A change in perspective

11.27.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Just a chance to wonder aloud if a change in perspective is in order, especially when you consider the public hearing that’s set to take place this evening at Boutwell. That essay’s over on my Birmingham. You could also take … Continue reading

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The First 100: City Hall’s now WiFi

11.27.2007 by André Natta · 2 Comments

This could be a really interesting experience (at least for me and other media). Mayor Langford announced during his comments this morning that portions of City Hall are now public wireless areas.  How’s it working? Well, we’re posting this from … Continue reading

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A look back: November 27

11.27.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments logo

1951: The Club was reorganized as a non-profit to avoid bankruptcy. Courtesy:

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Holiday Craft Bazaar, The Bottletree

11.26.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

The Bottletree does its part to help folks find just what they need for the holidays with its second annual Craft Bazaar. This year’s participants include: Andrea Paschal, Doug Baulos, Mimi Boston, Chris Lawson, Beverly Corbitt, Elin Glenn, Roger Conville, … Continue reading

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The First 100: Cooper challenge dismissed

11.26.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

The final legal hurdle surrounding the 2007 mayoral election has been cleared as Judge Alvin Horn dismissed the election challenge filed by second place finisher Patrick Cooper to Birmingham mayor Larry Langford’s October 9 victory. The Birmingham News’ breaking news … Continue reading

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