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Holiday triple feature, Alabama Theatre

12.13.2007 by André Natta · No Comments

It’s just not the holidays without a little “White Christmas” or “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.” And while it is fun watching our favorites at home with family and friends, imagine those same favorites on the big screen at the Alabama … Continue reading

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Magic City Question: Where should it go?

12.13.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

That’s the $19 million/year question right now… it appears that while a feasibility study is taking place right now, that there may not be a clear cut decision about where the dome/multipurpose facility will be placed. The mayor appears to … Continue reading

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Introducing the express

12.13.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

The Express - iContactCommunity screenshot

Screenshot of  the first edition of the express. Courtesy of The Terminal’s iContactCommunity page.  the express, The Terminal’s weekly newsletter, made its debut in inboxes throughout metro Birmingham and the world yesterday afternoon. The weekly email gives subscribers a chance … Continue reading

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A look back: December 13

12.13.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments logo

1819: Jefferson County was established. 1979: The Alabama Theatre was added to the National Register of Historic Places. Learn more about this date in history. Courtesy:

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Birmingham City Council passes minority inclusion ordinance

12.12.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

The Birmingham City Council on Tuesday unanimously passed an ordinance that makes minority inclusion a necessary part of every municipal request for proposals and all city-awarded contracts. City Councilor Steven Hoyt, who has made minority inclusion his political platform, amended … Continue reading

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A look back: December 12

12.12.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

mike anderson

1959: Basketball coach Mike Anderson was born in Birmingham. Courtesy:

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Learn more about Birmingham’s Green Dreams

12.11.2007 by André Natta · 6 Comments

Green Acres sotry screenshot - UAB Publications

We now know why contributor (and Terminal logo artist) Charles Buchanan hasn’t had time to post to the site recently… Screenshot of Green Dreams article by Charles Buchanan. UAB Publications. It’s because of an excellent article in UAB Magazine’s Fall … Continue reading

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