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Blogging in the ‘Ham: Dopplegänger Flutter

12.24.2007 by André Natta · No Comments

Doppleganger Flutter screenshot

Screenshot of Dopplegänger Flutter’s last post from 12.10.2007. The world recently celebrated the 10th anniversary of the blogosphere (at least as we know it). Some shined a brighter light on the phenomenon more than others. NPR is doing a week-long … Continue reading

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Elsewhere on Birmingham's hub
In other news

Fox 6 sale may be completed by summer 2008

12.24.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

WBRC neon sign

WBRC neon sign. Photo credit: André Natta In a follow-up to a story that we first posted about in June, News Corporation announced on Saturday that eight of those stations, including Birmingham’s own WBRC-TV, will be sold to Oak Hill … Continue reading

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A look back: December 22 – 24

12.24.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Babec - Birmingham Zoo

December 22 1972: Babec was born. December 23 2005: Businessman Harold Ruttenberg died. December 24 1950: The first liturgy at St Elias Maronite Church‘s new church was celebrated. Courtesy:

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Random Shots: Looking at lights in Birmingham

12.21.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Birmingham holiday tree

The Holiday Tree in Linn Park. Photo credit: André Natta/Flickr A popular pastime during the holidays is to go around town and look at how folks are decorating their homes. The Birmingham News ran a story on Sunday about just … Continue reading

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What to do the weekend before Christmas?

12.21.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Well, you could attempt to figure it out, or you could just check out Christina’s Got Plans? column for this week. The rate this weather’s going, I’m starting to think a cookout may be in order 🙂

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A look back: December 21

12.21.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Birmingham Fire logo

1990: Chan Gailey was named head coach of the Birmingham Fire. Courtesy:

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Magic City Question: What was “the” event in Birmingham in 2007?

12.20.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

We’re still looking for answers to yesterday’s question, and this one’s a little late to get out, but we felt we had to do it, especially since we know that most of you are just staring out the window wondering … Continue reading

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