The latest

Volunteer Open House, Vulcan Park & Museum

01.6.2008 by André Natta · No Comments

Vulcan Park is looking for new recruits for their volunteer program! They’ve seen a recent increase in attendance and have several school field trips booked for the New Year, leading to an expanded effort to recruit new docents (tour guides) … Continue reading

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Elsewhere on Birmingham's hub
In other news

Kickball, Avondale Park

01.5.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Kickball makes its 2008 debut today out at Avondale Park. The folks are a little upset that the weather is supposed to be warmer since it would have been a great excuse for hot toddies. It’s simple, it’s fun and … Continue reading

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Yes, there’s a staff meeting tomorrow

01.4.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments

help wanted sign

We figured we’d make sure to remind those of you that are interested in getting the conversation started in 2008 that our first meeting of the New Year will be tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 10 a.m. at Java and Jams … Continue reading

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Magic City Question: So what’s a hub for conversation?

01.4.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments

We have our thoughts – we want to know yours. It’s today’s Magic City Question. We’d really appreciate it as we continue to get ready for 2008. Enjoy the ride!

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Start the New Year out with a fun weekend!

01.4.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Because a new year of “Got Plans” begins… right now! (No, it’s not as cool as when David Neal says it, but then that’s why Christina writes the column) On the other hand, I’m getting better at finding some pretty … Continue reading

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A look back: January 4

01.4.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments

William H. Morris

1875: Alderman William H. Morris took office. Courtesy:

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Muse of Fire Macbeth auditions, WorkPlay

01.4.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments

No this is not an error, they’ve added a second day of auditions to the mix. We tweaked the text to make it sound new (we actually just changed the date…) The folks at Muse of Fire are preparing for … Continue reading

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