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Magic City Question: So Idol starts tonight… you gonna watch?

01.15.2008 by André Natta · No Comments

That would seem to be the $1 million question. The two-hour premiere will no doubt get some viewers, but we want to know if the home of Idols will watch this season? One person’s opinion is that American Idol has … Continue reading

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Bell enters commission race

01.15.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments

William Bell headshot

Whether or not the results are challenged in court (as has been indicated by the governor’s office), there will be a notable race for the Jefferson County Commission seat vacated by Larry Langford in order for him to serve as … Continue reading

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Follow-up: BCRI formally receives National Medal in Washington, DC

01.15.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments

BCRI receives IMLS award

Left to right: Mrs. Laura Bush, community member Shirina Davenport, President and CEO Lawrence Pijeaux, Jr., and IMLS Director Anne Radice. Photo credit: Bob Burgess/IMLS The Birmingham Civil Rights Institute formally received its 2007 National Medal for Museum and Library … Continue reading

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Birmingham becoming hotspot for coffee roasters

01.15.2008 by André Natta · 2 Comments

We were batting around the idea of doing a story about the numerous coffee roasters that have set up shop in metro Birmingham.. little did we know that the folks at were thinking the exact same thing (and they’ve … Continue reading

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A look back: January 15

01.15.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments logo

1890: The William Nabors residence was purchased and later demolished to make way for the Steiner Building. 2001: Condoleezza Rice became National Security Advisor. Courtesy:

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Random Shots: A new location for FedEx/Kinko’s

01.14.2008 by André Natta · 3 Comments

New Fed Ex location downtown

Photo credit: André Natta There may be a few folks that are wondering where their downtown FedEx Kinko’s store is? Well, it’s just opened this morning at 312 20th Street North in Birmingham’s city center. For those new to the … Continue reading

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OTM Democratics Healthcare Forum, Birmingham Botanical Gardens

01.14.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments

You’re not going to find a better panel than this one to talk about this important issue: Congressman Artur Davis, 7th District, Alabama Terry Kellogg, Executive Vice President & CFO, Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Alabama Dr. Max Michael, Dean of … Continue reading

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