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A look back: April 16

04.16.2008 by André Natta · No Comments logo

1946: Milo Carlton and his wife Bea opened the original Milo’s Hamburgers in Norwood. 1963: Martin Luther King, Jr completed his “Letter from Birmingham Jail“. Courtesy:

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In other news

Tax Day 2008: What to do?

04.15.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments

1040 Fest ad

No, we don’t ask that question in complete jest; it is one of the busiest days of the year for post offices across the country, including Birmingham’s downtown location. If you need to escape the insanity of filing those last … Continue reading

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A look back: April 15

04.15.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments logo

1952: Actor Glenn Shadix was born in Bessemer. 2006: SI Reasoning led a “World Tour of Birmingham” as part of the Birmingham International Festival‘s Salute to Japan. Courtesy:

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Water restrictions relaxed in Birmingham

04.14.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments

The Birmingham Water Works board has relaxed the Birmingham metropolitan area’s drought status to Stage 1, meaning that water restrictions will now be voluntary and fines will not be levied on those that choose not to participate. The utility made … Continue reading

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Seven Springs Ecoscape dedicated

04.14.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Seven Springs walk - Andre Natta/Flickr

Arnold Rutkis accompanies Birmingham City Councilors Miriam Witherspoon and Valerie Abbott through the Seven Springs Ecoscape shortly after the end of its ribbon cutting ceremony. André Natta/Flickr We figured we’d save this story for today as a way to warm … Continue reading

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Keeping track of the pulse in town

04.14.2008 by André Natta · 2 Comments

Birmingham Pulse screenshot

Screenshot of Birmingham Pulse We wanted to take a moment to welcome all of our new followers on Twitter (BTW – want to follow us? It’s bhamterminal). We also wanted to make sure that you knew about a new site … Continue reading

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A look back: April 14

04.14.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments logo

1929: McElwain Baptist Church dedicated their new sanctuary on Montevallo Road. 1994: The JordanCruiser made its first team trip to Chattanooga and Carolina. Courtesy:

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