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Shopping’s on tap for the weekend

04.23.2008 by André Natta · No Comments

Let’s see what I’ve got for you this weekend … shopping. That’s right, just some good shopping for art and shopping for good bargains. And some music for a cause, actually two causes. Grab your checkbook and head on over … Continue reading

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Exploring on the canvas

04.23.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Laura Lockhart photo - Bob Farley/f8Photo

Bob Farley/f8Photo Artist Laura Lockhart will show her work for a fifth year at this weekend’s Magic City Art Connection. Her art is inspired by her travels – she uses the photos she takes on her trips abroad and combines … Continue reading

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Brewfest 2008 website launches

04.23.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Magic City Brewfest logo - Free the Hops

Trust us, the site looks really cool – the official website for the 2008 Magic City Brewfest at Sloss Furnaces that is. If you don’t believe us, check it out yourself. So you may just want to keep May 31 … Continue reading

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About yesterday’s proclamation…

04.23.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments

We figured that you’d be waiting for a comment from me about yesterday’s proclamation by Mayor Langford (at least some of you – including the folks that called or emailed me). Well,  I’ve put one up over on my Birmingham. … Continue reading

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Random Shots: Way to go Tamika!

04.23.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Tamika Moore at Work - Bob Farley/f8Photo

Bob Farley/f8Photo Birmingham News photographer Tamika Moore just got back from the 65th annual Pictures of the Year International (POYi) awards where she accepted a first place award for her photography column In Focus.  Click here to see examples of … Continue reading

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A look back: April 23

04.23.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments logo

1958: Basketball player Carl Bailey was born in Birmingham. 2006: Birmingham Children’s Theatre actor John Hallum died in Birmingham. Courtesy:

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Comparisons of biblical proportion today in City Hall

04.22.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments

There are days when you just want to curl up and hide; unfortunately that was one of those days for me, so I was not in attendance at the weekly city council meeting when Mayor Larry Langford drew comparisons between … Continue reading

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