The latest

Lights dim on The Anchorage

09.30.2008 by André Natta · 7 Comments

Full house at the Anchorage on it

Just a reminder that today’s the last day for The Anchorage in downtown Homewood. While it has been reported that the restaurant was closing at the end of October, the lease expired on September 1. Rumors of a relocation to … Continue reading

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Elsewhere on Birmingham's hub
In other news

On the agenda: City Stages

09.30.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Today’s actually an extremely light agenda for the Birmingham City Council. The most interesting item of note, besides the one that cleans up the hurdles left in the implementation of the city’s new curfew laws going into effect today (#6), … Continue reading

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An update for skateboarding fans

09.29.2008 by André Natta · 6 Comments

We wanted to share a comment that was posted over on Magic City Question by Peter at Faith Skate Supply that gives as good an update as any on the current grassroots push for a local skate park: “Here is … Continue reading

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UPDATE: Reports that Citigroup purchases Wachovia

09.29.2008 by André Natta · 3 Comments

The New York Times is reporting that Citigroup has agreed to purchase the banking operations of Charlotte, NC-based Wachovia (portions of which are formerly Birmingham based AmSouth Bank sorry, SouthTrust Bank) for $1 a share. We’ll see if we can’t get more … Continue reading

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Live from Vulcan Park

09.28.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Good morning everybody. We’re doing a rare Sunday post to say hello from Vulcan Park while we’re doing morning sessions for day 2 of WordCamp Birmingham. We’re doing our morning sessions from their meeting space in the museum in advance … Continue reading

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Get on the road this weekend

09.26.2008 by André Natta · 4 Comments

This weekend, on top of everything else going on in Birmingham, AL, you may notice a collection of vintage British-made cars cruising the streets near the Cracker Barrel at the Colonnade off of I-459. The spectacle will be the British … Continue reading

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Welcome WordCampers!

09.26.2008 by André Natta · 6 Comments

We’ve been slightly quieter than normal this week because of preparing to host WordPress users from across the Southeastern United States at WordCamp Birmingham. the conference begins at the Martha Moore Sykes Studio at the Virginia Samford Theatre at Caldwell Park. … Continue reading

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