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Fireworks at the BJCC yesterday

01.29.2009 by André Natta · No Comments

Mary Moore decided to ask just how Black Birmingham’s mayor was… Yeah, we’re not kidding… Continue reading

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Last Car, 29.2009

01.29.2009 by André Natta · 0 Comments

absolutely no parking

The economic stimulus bill passed its first hurdle this evening, but do you want to see what the makeup of it was prior to its passage (and removal of $6 billion)? Check out this interactive map courtesy of ProPublica. The … Continue reading

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Artur joins the Twitterverse

01.28.2009 by André Natta · 0 Comments

It’s looking more and more like that possible run for the governor’s mansion may be an actual one. Continue reading

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01.28.2009 by André Natta · 0 Comments

aldotcom’s front page gets a new look. Continue reading

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Nope, we’re still going digital on Feb. 17

01.28.2009 by André Natta · 2 Comments

It’s beginning to look as if “the switch” is going to happen in February. Continue reading

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A tale of two elected bodies

01.28.2009 by André Natta · 0 Comments

While one locally elected body appeared to act with the best interest of the people that they represent at heart, another decided not to listen to the will of the people and pay out a record amount of money for lobbying efforts. Continue reading

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Ms. Ledbetter is going to Washington

01.28.2009 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Lilly Ledbetter. Lindsay Beyerstein/flickr

Lily Ledbetter is an ordinary citizen who’s about to have an extraordinary thing happen. She’s about to have legislation signed into law that is named after here. Continue reading

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