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The spotlight's on education

11.16.2007 by André Natta · 7 Comments

With comments about a domed stadium, urban revitalization and other things, concern about our local educational system is rampant and dominating everything else, especially after word that the state wants the ctiy’s board of education to shut down 20 schools. … Continue reading

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Recent commentaries

As many teams as we want

11.15.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Can we support two teams? We can if we want to, despite arguments that can be presented against the notion of supporting just one. Continue reading

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A simple gesture

11.14.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

It wasn’t his promises for being tough on crime. It wasn’t his promise to build a dome in the city limits of Birmingham. It wasn’t his announcement that whether you agreed with him or not that “from the bottom of … Continue reading

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Should Cooper fade away?

10.29.2007 by André Natta · 7 Comments

Should Patrick Cooper’s lawsuit against mayor-elect Langford continue? If there was a chance that he could win in court, I’d be all for him going ahead and seeing what happens. The funny thing is, most lawyers seem to be saying … Continue reading

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How to change what's on the dial

10.16.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

I had two reminders in the last week that it was WBHM‘s (our local listener-supported station’s) fall pledge drive. The first was while I was driving to cover last week’s Design Review Committee (trust me, we did get a couple … Continue reading

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Using the bully pulpit in metro Birmingham

10.13.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

This morning people throughout metro Birmingham are waking up to fall-like weather and preparing for another full weekend of activities. Some will be visiting local libraries in Hoover and surfing the web to learn the results of an investigation into … Continue reading

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Thoughts about Birmingham's mayoral election

10.10.2007 by André Natta · 8 Comments

It’s definitely been a thrilling ride so far and it does not appear to be ending in the immediate future. Last night, nearly 45% of registered citizens in the city of Birmingham elected Larry Langford as its next mayor. As … Continue reading

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