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Popularity or purpose?

08.25.2009 by André Natta · No Comments

Today is Birmingham’s City Council and School Board elections. Hopefully enough of us care to make it a day that matters in the life of Alabama’s Magic City. Continue reading

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Recent commentaries

Today's goal: let more folks know we exist

08.4.2009 by André Natta · 0 Comments

The ask is simple; I need all of you to help spread the word and make more people aware of the existence of That’s about it – it’s the only way to make this hub of information for Birmingham, AL work. Continue reading

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Where is the ethical line nowadays?

07.17.2009 by André Natta · 1 Comment

This post has nothing to do with the current state of our public officials here in Birmingham or the standards that we may be unrealistically attempting to hold them up to (at least, not yet). It begins as a response … Continue reading

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#bhamchat: July 7, 2009

07.8.2009 by André Natta · 0 Comments

#bhamchat episode 3 included a lengthy discussion about the region’s radio stations as well as some possible suggestions for new blogs that folks in Birmingham, AL haven’t checked out just yet. Continue reading

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Bye Bye City Stages, Good Bye

06.25.2009 by André Natta · 2 Comments

Scott Schablow decided that the best way to say farewell to Birmingham’s City Stages music festival was by song – and what better way than to borrow from a classic American song… Continue reading

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#bhamchat: Episode 1

06.24.2009 by André Natta · 1 Comment

#bhamchat launched last night – here’s the recap of our weekly conversation about Birmingham on Twitter. Continue reading

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My modest proposal for City Stages

06.19.2009 by André Natta · 1 Comment

Some of the attendees

The question’s simple. How would you change City Stages in the future? Continue reading

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