Category Archives: Take a moment

EcoFest is this week

We’ve noticed that a lot of folks are looking for information about this year’s EcoFest, scheduled for Thursday evening at WorkPlay. We’ve got some more information about this year’s event over on destinations, our new online calendar (be gentle, it’s still in beta). We’d also like to direct you to their online auction, already open where you’ve got chance to bid on several items in advance, including the ones listed here (there are a lot, so we’d rather let you take a look yourselves – it may entice you).

We’ve also got some other great news for Terminal readers – the first 20 people that call the Southern Environmental Center at  205.226.4934 and say that they heard about this year’s event from The Terminal will qualify for half price tickets. Full price tickets are $50/person.

Avoiding foreclosure workshops scheduled

As the stock market continues to take us on a roller coaster ride, many in Birmingham, particularly on our city’s east side, are having a big issue with foreclosures. The Citizens Advisory Board and some Birmingham neighborhood presidents were impressed with a recent presentation on foreclosure by the Birmingham Regional Chamber of Commerce. So impressed in fact that these groups felt it was important to get the word out to other neighborhoods in cooperation with Neighborhood Housing Services. City residents will have several opportunities to attend these workshops in the coming weeks.

Check out dates and locations after the jump:

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Vote for East Lake

Well, you’re actually voting for the design of the new East Lake banners, done by local graphic designer Christian Bizarth in this year’s Cooper Hewitt National Design Awards as a People’s Design Award nominee. The design “is a landscape of the community of East Lake which includes East Lake and Ruffner Mountain Nature Preserve in Birmingham, Alabama. The artist has captured the ebb and flow of lake water and then complements it with Ruffner Mountain’s ridge.

The banners currently extend through the community, which was incorporated in 1900 and annexed into the city of Birmingham in 1910, along 1st Avenue North.

Get on the road this weekend

This weekend, on top of everything else going on in Birmingham, AL, you may notice a collection of vintage British-made cars cruising the streets near the Cracker Barrel at the Colonnade off of I-459. The spectacle will be the British Reliability Run and it will be starting at 8 a.m., going on a 2-day driving tour around the Southeastern U.S. We’ll let you check out Chris Tutor’s post over on’s Engine Block blog for more details. According to the post, he’ll be updating the blog several times on Saturday, so you may want to check it out and see how they’re doing. They want photos too if you get them, (hell, so do we 🙂 –, our Flickr group or the Magic City Flickr Group).

You’ll also want to consider giving to their charity, Magic Moments.

Facebook friends unite!

The United Way of Central Alabama has launched a new group on Facebook and they want you to join and help them spread the word.

It is a Causes page that is part of this year’s annual campaign. They’re trying to bolster the number of members in part because tomorrow they’re asking their followers on Facebook to change their profile image in an effort to make even more folks aware of their efforts. We’re looking into doing some redecorating ourselves for the day. Head on over and check it out!

It’s time to show off your super powers

Superhero 5K 2007 photo - courtesy of Living United's blogThe United Way Superhero 5K will be swinging into action for its 2nd year this Saturday. According to the announcement in their email blast, “…our league of superheroes will be saving our community from the masked villains of cardiovascular disease and childhood obesity.” It’s also mentioned on the organization’s Living United blog.

Prizes will be awarded for race results and best costumes so if you’re not planning to blow away the competition and you still want a prize, you can still dress like Batman. Organizers have added a 1 mile Fun Run in case you want to bring the kids along or if you just don’t feel like running for 3.2 miles. It starts at 8 a.m. at the Gold’s Gym @ The Colonnade and you can register at any Trak Shak location or via

Photo: United Way of Central Alabama.

A moment to reflect

Considering that we’re about to witness history this evening, regardless of who you’re planning to vote for in November, we felt the need to share the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., 45 years later.
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Enjoy the ride!