Category Archives: politics

Election ’08: Obama’s Birmingham office opens Wednesday

There’s already a buzz about it around town – Barack Obama‘s Birmingham field office will be opening on Wednesday with an event at 6:30 p.m. The state’s become a battleground state in the ’08 race and the candidates are starting to ramp up their efforts prior to the primary in February. Obama’s folks are inviting folks to come out and celebrate while listening in/participating on a conference call with his wife Michelle.

The headquarters is located at 1813 4th Ave North on the 2nd floor. It’s being hosted by the campaign’s statewide field director (Sava Berhane) Congressman Artur Davis, Representative Merika Coleman and Senator Quentin Ross. Based on the buzz and email/social networking traffic being seen, it’s probably going to be a big one.

UPDATE: New county commissioner to be sworn in at 1:30 p.m.

UPDATE: 1:35 p.m.: George Bowman, a retired Army general from Birmingham has been appointed by Gov. Riley to serve out Larry Langford’s remaining term. Watch the swearing in ceremony on He is currently a branch manager for Liberty National. He is the son of one of the original Tuskegee Airmen.

Fox 6 is reporting that Governor Riley has made a decision about who will fill Birmingham mayor Larry Langford’s seat on the Jefferson County Commission. While the name has not been released as of yet, the swearing in ceremony will take place at 1:30 p.m. this afternoon. Fox 6 has stated that they will carry the ceremony on their website.

The seat has been formally vacant since last Tuesday, when Langford took the oath of office to become the mayor of the state’s largest city. The situation may not be finished yet as a special election has already been set for February to fill the seat with a vote from the people. We’ll update this post with a link to the ceremony and the name of the appointment as soon as they become available.

The First 100: Langford’s proposal

Yeah, the Birmingham News has the proposal posted already. But if you click on our copy, you’ll actually be able to read the text on the document without straining. Consider it an added bonus for our readers. If you can read it as is… we’re really jealous Smile

NOTE: You will have to click on the image to enlarge the view based on your browser even after you’ve gone to the new page.

The Birmingham Economic and Community Revitalization Ordinance

The First 100: Langford lays out his agenda to City Council

A special to The Terminal from Birmingham View

Birmingham Mayor Larry Langford, in one of his first official acts with the City Council, gave them his plan to “do something.”

He personally handed them a broad-ranging proposal that would pay for transit, computers for city schoolchildren, the domed stadium project and neighborhood improvements, among other items – all with an economic impact of $1.35 billion.

Details of the plan, dubbed “The Birmingham Community Development and Revitalization Ordinance,” were for the councilors’ eyes only; he wanted them to see the plan before the press did. Langford said he would make it public after they’ve had a chance to digest it over the weekend and give him their feedback.

“I will never go forward with information of this magnitude without giving it to you first,” he told six of the nine councilors present at their Committee of the Whole meeting Thursday afternoon. “I want give you time to go over it … then collectively we can put it out to the public.”

Langford said he wanted the Councilors to meet Monday and air their comments in public. He would make a formal presentation at Tuesday’s Council meeting.

For more of this story, visit Birmingham View’s blog.

Election ’07: It’s going to be a while

At least until Monday according to the Birmingham News breaking news blog. That will be the earliest that the judge hearing arguments about whether or not Larry Langford gets to serve his term or not will be able to make a decision. Check out the post for more information.

I figured it was high time to share my thoughts on yesterday’s inauguration and recent events. The first of what will become a more regularly scheduled posting over on my Birmingham. Today’s ramble stems from one simple gesture made at yesterday’s inauguration.

Sights (and sounds) from Inauguration Day

Just in case you missed the streaming video earlier today, here’s the view of the crowd:

Inauguration Day @ Boutwell Auditorium

Photo credit: André  Natta

And here’s the part that mattered most today:

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

Video: The Birmingham News/

Election ’07: Watch the mayoral inauguration online

Larry LangfordThose of you that don’t want to fight the crowds at Boutwell Auditorium to see Larry Langford take the oath of office only need to queue up the video on or to watch. The fun starts at 12 p.m. local time.

Both television stations are planning to do a live stream of the ceremonies this morning. There will also be a community celebration for the new mayor beginning after the ceremonies are scheduled to end, approximately 1:30 p.m. also in the area around the Boutwell Auditorium (so at least try and come on out for that).

Those that want to know outgoing mayor Bernard Kincaid’s thoughts about his eight years in office and his plans for the future should just head on over to the Fox 6 site, where an interview conducted by Janice Rogers resides.

Photo credit: Bob Farley/f8photo