Category Archives: politics

Random Shots: Signs of the Times

Signs of Election ‘07

Photo credit: André Natta

It’s getting down to the wire for the candidates in this year’s mayoral election. Our Election ’07 site has been updated to include links to local websites, blogs, mainstream and alternative media and selected posts from our own coverage. We hope that this and other last minute changes to the site provide as complete a picture as possible for you to make a decision before the polls open tomorrow morning throughout Birmingham.

Check in with us tomorrow night as we provide coverage of returns.

Election ’07: A different perspective on Larry, and everybody else

Kyle Whitmire over at Birmingham Weekly has written an extensive article about Larry Langford in this week’s edition. The piece takes a look primarily at his political career, with extensive focus on VisionLand (now Alabama Adventure) and recent personal problems.

It’s definitely an interesting time to run this piece, especially considering that the next Weekly will not hit the streets until after we’ve either determined a clear winner or at least know who’s got two more weeks of campaigning ahead of them in this year’s race to the mayor’s office.

This is of course not including the outrage over a political cartoon published in The Birmingham News Tuesday that has been viewed as an attack on both Langford and Kincaid, the last minute entries into the mayoral commercial campaign by Kincaid and Bell, the pronouncement about race being a major issue in the election or the interesting response given by Cooper about Atlanta mayor Shirley Franklin endorsing the incumbent and holding a fundraiser for him on Wednesday morning.

Business is definitely about to pick up…

Election ’07: Hear what our future leaders want on Monday

Vote to Live flyer

Click here to learn more information from our calendar entry on the event.

State of Emergency: a Vote 2 Live rally, City Council Chambers

Next week Monday, our city’s young adults and youth will have the opportunity to make sure that their voices are heard during this year’s mayoral campaign during the Vote 2 Live rally taking place in Birmingham City Council chambers (City Hall, 3rd floor).

The event is an initiative of Innovative Approach Foundation in cooperation with other community organizations and it is scheduled to begin at 6 p.m. and last for about an hour. According to information provided by the event’s organizers, the candidates have been invited to attend so that the city’s young adults would be able to ask them questions the night before the city decides who they want their next leader to be. There will also be giveaways and spoken word performances as part of the festivities.

If you have any questions or concerns, contact Sylvia Bennett-Stone @ 205.283.6980 or DeJuana Thompson @ 205.706.7060.

720 20th Street North, 3rd Floor

Election ’07: You’ve got no excuse

Not to vote that is. For those that are thinking that since they will not be in town on Election Day that they do not need to worry about having their voices heard, that’s why there’s absentee balloting!

If you are registered and you’re finding it’s going to be iffy whether or not you’re going to be able to get to your voting location on October 9 due to travel, you can cast your vote on the 3rd floor of Birmingham City Hall, between 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. in Conference Room A. You will be able to cast absentee ballots until 5 p.m. this Thursday, October 4.

If you want to hear what some of the candidates have to say about issues and see what else is planned during the last week of the general election for mayor, visit our Election ’07 site.

Election ’07: Final results are up

While we could just keep on mining these numbers for any little thing that they could tell us, we figured we’d stop while we’re ahead and just provide the basic facts from our mayoral poll.

The submission page has been transformed into a results page, providing it in table format. We hope you’re as intrigued by the results as we are. Links to them are listed below:

Votes for the candidates

Top issues


Voter plans (will they vote on 10/9)

Zip code information

NOTE: We did round numbers to the closest tenth, so yes, we realize that some of these will register just slightly above 100% totals.

Election ’07: Preliminary results are tabulated

We got less than we thought we would to participate but am thankful for all that did take part in our Birmingham mayoral election poll. Fifty-two (52) votes were submitted; 4 of them were disqualified either for multiple IP address use or multiple submissions from an email.

Check out the submission link to see the results as they are posted. Expect the complete details results based on these submissions to be posted tomorrow morning.

While this was not a scientific poll by any stretch of the imagination, it does show the opinion of those that currently read The Terminal. That said, remember that this website WILL NOT be endorsing any candidate for the October 9 election.