Category Archives: Good News

Take a moment: Lend a hand in the Gulf Coast

Magic City Mission Logo

Wade Kwon is preparing to make his third trip to the Gulf Coast region (the second with a volunteer group from Birmingham) to help those still feeling the effects from the hurricanes of 2005 and he wants you to join him. He’s looking for 50 folks to give of themselves and join him, Hands on Birmingham, Hands on Gulf Coast and Hands on New Orleans to do their part.

Click on over to Good News, Birmingham to find out more information about this evening’s meeting.

Don’t worry, there will still be plenty of time to run home and watch the debate online or on television afterwards…

State Access to Justice Commission formed

Alabama Chief Justice Sue Bell Cobb and the Alabama Law Foundation (ALF) announced the formal creation of the Access to Justice Commission back on July 19.

The 19-member commission is comprised of citizens from varied backgrounds that share an interest in improving civil justice for the poor and whom are commited to work together to develop ways to better meet the civil legal needs low income residents in Alabama both financially and through improved legal services. These include legal professionals, the business sector, members of the religious community and volunteers. The press release includes the names of all of the members of the commission. According to Chief Justice Cobb, the state currently ranks 51st in spending for legal aid to low income residents.

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