Category Archives: Election ’08

What’s good enough for Obama…

Doc’s Political Parlor has posted about Bill Clinton’s planned “small donor” event now scheduled during his return trip to Birmingham. It sounds eerily similar to Barack Obama’s event earlier this month where he raised an estimated $50,000. (photos from the event)

This of course while Fred Thompson prepares to participate in a private $1,000 per couple fundraising event this evening (as reported on at the Mountain Brook home of Jim Cooper, owner of Cooper Construction Company.

Blogs for Fred Thompson points out an article currently available on New York Magazine’s website about the potential Republican presidential candidate. It’s definitely going to be an interesting race, especially now that we’re a “swing state”.

Obama excites crowd at Sheraton

As we reported last month, presidential hopeful and current U.S. senator from Illinois Barack Obama made his first appearance of the 2008 campaign season in the Magic City this evening.  Approximately 2,000 people paid $25 each for the opportunity to see Obamaat an event at the Sheraton Birmingham downtown. They also heard comments from U.S. Representative Artur Davis and former NBA basketball player Charles Barkley.

Please enjoy this collection of images courtesy of Bob Farley from the event.

NOTE: Press "N" to advance the photo gallery and "P" to go backwards.
