Category Archives: Citywide

Vote for your favorite City Stages T-shirt… now!

For all of you that always wonder just how the T-shirt design contest for City Stages gets decided, here’s your chance to affect the decision. The guys over at the music festival have announced that the finalists have been selected in the City Stages 2007 T-Shirt Design Contest! Go on over to Mountain High Outfitters’ website and cast your vote for the design of your choice. There’s only only one vote per person, so choose wisely. oh yeah, you’ve only got until Friday, May 11 to make your choice heard. What are you waiting for?

ESPNU joins local cable sports lineup

Bright House Networks has announced that they will be adding the all college sports channel to their basic digital tier service beginning next Tuesday, May 15. For those that are interested, it will be channel 172. This follows Charter Communications’ nationwide addition of the channel to their programming in late March. The addition of the channel provides additional coverage of sports at HBCUs in addition to those sports that are not normally covered on the other stations in the ESPN family nationwide. The resulting exposure that these sports and those institutions receive as a result will be interesting to watch, especially in light of a recent situation here in town. Continue reading

“Spidey 3” midnight showing at Rave locations

Spidey in RainJust to help feed the hype that is Spiderman 3, we just felt it was our civic duty to remind everyone that all three of our local Rave Motion Pictures locations are showing the film beginning at 12:01 a.m. Friday morning. That, and the fact that as of the time of this posting, tickets are still available. Of course with that being said, it’s not like we’re trying to convince anyone to skip work later that morning just because you were out watching the latest Spidey film….

Birmingham metro #4 on most polluted cities list

Unfortunately all of that grilling this summer could help lead the city towards the top of another, albeit dubious list. The American Lung Association recently released its list of the cities with the nation’s worst air pollution. The Birmingham-Hoover-Cullman metro area came in at #4 (Los Angeles led the pack, followed by Pittsburgh & Bakersfield, California in their annual State of the Air report based on analyzing long term particle pollution. The metro area ranks sixth when the focus shifts to short term particle pollution.

The results were calculated by studying particle pollution levels. The association states that such levels of pollution can contribute to asthma attacks, heart disease and lung cancer. Despite the ranking, air levels have improved in the area in recent years. Sounds like a potential election year issue (at least after its brought up by the voters).

We’re in the top 100… for grilling

Apparently that’s the word from Blue Rhino, the propane gas company, who has chosen the Magic City as one of the top 100 Ideal Cities to Grill for 2007, its first ever such list. Birmingham comes in at number 87, with Sacramento, CA coming in at #1. The Winston-Salem, N.C. based company defined ideal grilling days as “days May-August that are sunny, under 90 degrees and rain-free.” According to the press release a final total of ideal summer grilling days were calculated by using the average sunshine rate, the estimated total number of rain days and the estimated total number of days above 90 degrees using data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Sounds a little over the top, don’t you think? But it just gives us another reason to go out and grill this summer.