Category Archives: Alabama

Special YP discount for ONB annual meeting next week

Operation New Birmingham is having their annual meeting next week Thursday, November 8, at the Alabama Theatre. Part of the meeting will be celebrating the organization’s 50th anniversary. Readers of The Terminal are being provided the opportunity to attend the event, which includes an update on what’s going on downtown as well as lunch prepared by Chef Clayton and possibly an appearance by “The King,” at a special reduced rate.

To take advantage of this young professional rate, click the image (after reading it of course since the code is located at the bottom) after the jump to log onto the site and purchase your tickets.

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A look back: October 31


Nick Saban

Alabama Crimson Tide football coach Nick Saban was born.


bhamrevolution logo

Revolution Radio began broadcasting on the Internet

Courtesy: logo

Two ways to get into a ghoulish mood for tomorrow

Here are two ways at least:

Halloween Pub Run, Storyteller Fountain (Five Pts. South), 6 p.m. 

BTC Halloween banner

The Birmingham Track Club is sponsoring this 3-mile jaunt in the Five Points South area this evening. Our calendar entry has some more information, or you could just click on the image above and get it straight from the club itself.

It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown, WCFT-TV, 7 p.m.

Still from Peanuts special

The other option this evening is to check out the annual broadcast of “It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown” being broadcast on ABC tonight and relive the memories… if only there were a York® Peppermint Patty commercial…

Do you live near a rotten neighbor?

Rotten Neighbor screenshot

If you do, you may want to let others know about it (though maybe they aren’t really that rotten… maybe). Rotten Neighbor allows you to share your feelings about certain properties and neighbors throughout the country (it’s described in its own literature as a real estate tool), though you’d probably be most interested in our own metropolitan area (and there are already some entries).

There’s even advice about mediation if a neighbor becomes just a little too rotten to handle. Let’s hope it’s not that bad for you.

Halloween Pub Run & Costume Contest, Five Points South

It’s a unique way to get into the Halloween spirit – running the streets of Birmingham with the option to stop for a liquid break at area drinking establishments. That’s the idea behind this run sponsored by the Birmingham Track Club. They’re also encouraging participants to wear costumes, giving people several opportunities to win prizes. The awards are scheduled to be given away at Cosmo’s Pizza after the run.

If you don’t participate, don’t be surprised then if you see some of this year’s most popular costumes running beside you during the evening rush. And don’t forget your ID in case you plan on stopping in at the pubs during (or after) the race.

Cost: $0 (unless you’re planning to make the optional pub stops)


Storyteller Fountain, Five Points South (directions)

Yet another reason for more greenspace

We’re #5 this time. According to Forbes we are the 5th most sedentary city in the United States. The results were released yesterday on the magazine’s website, where they also explained just how they arrived at their findings as well as how they determined that some cities were not necessarily as healthy as they thought.

We did get high marks for physical activity. Only a little more than ¼ of the folks that they spoke with said that they did not exercise. But we still watch 39 hours of TV a week…

All the more reason why folks need to head out tonight to celebrate with the Friends of Red Mountain Park over at B&A Warehouse. Check out the listing on the Timetable calendar so you can get a taste of what you’ll hear this evening.

BTW – you can see the rest of the top 20 list in slideshow format over on their site.

Red Mountain Rising, B&A Warehouse

To celebrate the recent closing on the property that will be used to develop Red Mountain Park, their Friends will be hosting a party at B&A Warehouse with music by Act of Congress and Three on a String.

There will most likely be more opportunities to help make the space a reality as well.

Cost: $0 (we think, though they’d probably like you to donate)


B&A Warehouse (website)
1531 1st Avenue South (directions)