Category Archives: 35205

“It’s a Thick Book” shows at Virginia Samford on Monday

Still image from “It’s a Thick Book” DVDJust in case you’ve missed one of the more talked about documentaries in our state, your next opportunity to view it is close (really close). The next screening of “It’s A Thick Book” in the Birmingham area is scheduled for next Monday, April 23 beginning at 6 p.m. at the Virginia Samford Theatre in Caldwell Park. The film was made by Homewood High School graduate Lewis Lehe. The ACCR Foundation has been using the forty-five minute documentary “as an entertaining and engaging way to help others learn about [the] 1901 state constitution.” The foundation is working towards constitutional reform for the world’s largest and longest governing document – the Alabama state constitution.

Just in case you miss Monday’s showing, the next screening event is scheduled for Trinity United Methodist Church on April 26 and the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute on May 22. You can also order your own free copy of the DVD by visiting their website (to order, click on “Get Involved” link).

AmSouth signs being replaced throughout the city

Lost in yesterday’s approval of demolition plans for the former Birmingham News building was the pending formal removal of the AmSouth name from area banks. AmSouth merged with Regions Bank last year and during yesterday’s Design Review Committee meeting, four banking centers that currently carry the AmSouth name received approval for new signage.

The bank locations approved yesterday are located in Ensley, Five Points South, the Birmingham Green (20th Street North) and Midtown (University Boulevard).

According to Steve Looney with Commander Board Signs, the new signs may be installed in as little as six weeks. It’s possibly your last chance to capture a glance at the local bank’s logo before it fades into history.