Art Connection is on, some artists donating proceeds

04.28.2011 by André Natta · → Leave a comment

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MCAC 2011 posterWe’ve received several phone calls about whether or not the ONB Magic City Art Connection will take place this weekend. According to their fan page on Facebook, not only is the event still taking place this weekend, but several of the participating artists plan on donating portions of their proceeds to area charities helping those affected by the tornadoes.

Two charities that have been mentioned specifically on the page are the Birmingham-Jefferson American Red Cross chapter and the Craft Emergency Relief Fund.

If you’re an artist and plan on donating proceeds from sales this weekend, we’d love to create a list via our comments section.

Crawfish Boil on as well

Another major event taking place in downtown Birmingham this weekend is the Schaeffer Eye Center Crawfish Boil, taking place adjacent to the BJCC complex. They’ve announced that donation barrels will be located throughout the festival site.

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