United Way launches new online initiative

12.29.2010 by André Natta · → Leave a comment

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iamunited.org screenshotThe United Way of Central Alabama has launched a new online initiative inspired by the national organization’s long-running “Live United” campaign.

The new “I am United” website presents a new way for the UWCA to “promote opportunity and engagement among those who want to help” while leveraging Facebook accounts.

Visitors must log in using their Facebook account to fully engage with the site, allowing them to potentially cross-post ways they’re engaging in the community, earn badges to let others know about their level of participation and learn about volunteer opportunities via an events calendar. You’ll also be able to nominate “champions.”

It does not replace the organization’s official website, which currently reminds us that they reached their 2010 goal by raising more than $37.2 million. The organization has also re-branded their YouTube and Twitter profile accordingly.

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