Who’s new on Twitter?

02.10.2009 by AndrĂ© Natta · → 5 Comments

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Birmingham’s Twitterverse keeps on growing…

twitter_28Some of the benefits of being on Twitter? Well, if you were following us last week, you would have had a chance to win tickets to opening night of Ain’t Misbehavin’ (congrats again to Michael Mayhew) and had a chance or two to get yourself a Terminal T (BTW, the new store launches – finally- tomorrow morning).

There are a lot of local organizations who’ve entered the scene. Here are links to a few of them (after the jump that is)…

BhamChamber – our regional Chamber of Commerce

BottletreeCafe – a great friend of The Hub and a great local music venue

BBGardens – Birmingham, AL’s Botanical Gardens

DaytimeAlabama – Birmingham’s newest midday show (on NBC 13)

We’ll add more tomorrow, though you may want to add ones you know about to our comments section below.

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Filed under: Online