It’s time to show off your super powers

09.3.2008 by André Natta · → Leave a comment

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Superhero 5K 2007 photo - courtesy of Living United's blogThe United Way Superhero 5K will be swinging into action for its 2nd year this Saturday. According to the announcement in their email blast, “…our league of superheroes will be saving our community from the masked villains of cardiovascular disease and childhood obesity.” It’s also mentioned on the organization’s Living United blog.

Prizes will be awarded for race results and best costumes so if you’re not planning to blow away the competition and you still want a prize, you can still dress like Batman. Organizers have added a 1 mile Fun Run in case you want to bring the kids along or if you just don’t feel like running for 3.2 miles. It starts at 8 a.m. at the Gold’s Gym @ The Colonnade and you can register at any Trak Shak location or via

Photo: United Way of Central Alabama.

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