Don’t forget to register so you can vote February 5

01.17.2008 by André Natta · → Leave a comment

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The deadline for folks that are not currently registered to vote in the February 5 election is next Friday, January 25!

You may also want to keep in mind the fact that if you’re not going to be in town on 2.5.2008, you’ll want to have signed up for an absentee ballot by January 31.

There are a few options out there if you still need to register…

You could visit the League of Women Voters of Alabama website and follow the links to register.

You could head on over to Steppers and Walkers this evening and register while enjoying Neo Soul Night and hanging out with the folks from Upgrade Magazine.

If you’re registered and you still really don’t have any idea as to what we’re voting on, click here.

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Filed under: Election '08